Wednesday, December 9, 2009

An Introduction

I am a scientist. Would you expect that I have no reason to love art? Writing and music are my passions. I may want to look through microscopes for a living, but I don't want to live my life without an artistic outlet. Seeing as how this is an art, music and poetry blog, it would make sense that this could be an artistic outlet for me. But perhaps I have other goals? We will see.

Like me or not for saying this, but this blog is inspired by Julie & Julia. I watched it last night and it very funny! For guys that think that this movie is just another chick movie, I would encourage you watch it... for comedy's sake at least. It's an excellent representation of what life really is: learning to live, learning to love (a passion or otherwise) and learning to take every day one day at a time.

And to conclude on this first entry (which is rather short and scattered), my goal is post one entry per day for one year on my thoughts on art, music and/or poetry. Needless to say, this is going to be a very difficult time for me, as my schedule is crammed with classes, bible studies and other activities. But I think that if I can take just a few minutes every day to expound on my ideas, there should be no reason why this blog should not be successful. And maybe after a year I will keep going.

The date that I will start is the 1st of January. Perhaps I will make a few entries before then, but make note that it starts on the 1st... for real.

And a final note, I may just state where I'm writing my entries from. Today is from General Chemistry, where I am blatantly NOT listening to the lecture. Although nuclear chemistry is very fun. Oh yes... everything about this class is exhilarating. Shoot me... please.

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How does facial hair influence your decision to date a man (or how has it affected your ability to date women)?